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New Car Assistance Technologies
teen driver

New Car Assistance Technologies

They make driving safer, but they don’t always work in bad weather conditions; so remember - you are your vehicle’s best safety system. Today's vehicles feature many new driver assi...

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Evaluating the environmental impact of your vehicle

Evaluating the environmental impact of your vehicle

Electric and hybrid-electric vehicles are often touted as the most sustainable vehicle choices for eco-conscious consumers. While they do reduce emissions, the carbon emissions of their production may...

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How to save when you drive
new driver

How to save when you drive

High inflation and soaring gas prices have us re-examining our transportation habits. A typical suggestion for a more affordable commute is to take public transportation. But according to a recent rep...

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How to cut down your commuting costs
new driver

How to cut down your commuting costs

Whether we are headed to work, school or other commitments, sky-high gas prices and inflation mean many of us are facing regular trips that are more expensive than ever. While there is not much you...

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The Road to Safety: Driving Tips for Teen Drivers
teen driver

The Road to Safety: Driving Tips for Teen Drivers

Receiving a driver’s license is one of the most exciting rites of passage in a teen’s life. However, it can also be an extremely nerve-racking experience for both the new driver and his or...

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